Thuyết Pháp Với Giọng Ca (song ngữ)


(IX) (209) Thuyết Pháp Với Giọng Ca
Anguttara Nikàya
Hòa thượng Thích Minh Châu dịch Việt
Chương Năm Pháp

Này các Tỷ-kheo, có năm điều nguy hại với người thuyết pháp với giọng ca kéo dài. Thế nào là năm?
– Tự mình say đắm trong âm giọng ấy;
– Làm người khác say đắm trong âm giọng ấy;
– Các người gia chủphê bình: “Như chúng ta hát, cũng vậy, các Sa-môn Thích tử này ca hát”;
– Vì vị ấy cố gắngrèn luyện cho âm thanh điêu luyện nên mức thiền định của vị ấy bị gián đoạn;
– Làm gương xấu để các thế hệ sau bắt chước.
Này các Tỷ-kheo, có năm điều nguy hại với người thuyết pháp với giọng ca kéo dài.

Vietnamese translation by Thich Minh Chau


Anguttara Nikaya V.209
The plain-song

Monks, there are these five disadvantages to one preaching Dhamma in a long-drawn, plain-song voice. What five?

– He is carried away himself by the song;
– Others are carried away thereby;
– Householders are offended and say: “Just as we sing, for sure, these recluse Sakya sons sing!”;
– As he strives after the purity of the song, there is a break in concentration;
– Folk coming after fall into the way of (wrong) views;
Verily, monks, these are the five disadvantages to one preaching Dhamma in a long-drawn, plain-song voice.
(English translation by F.L.Woodward)

Another translation:

AN 5.209 (A iii 251) Gītassara Sutta
A melodic intonation 
This sutta has been largely overlooked by the various buddhist traditions: the Buddha explains why he does not allow the bhikkhus to perform any melodic chanting.
There are, bhikkhus, these five drawbacks of reciting the Dhamma with a sustained melodic intonation. Which five?
Oneself gets attached to that intonation, others get attached to that intonation, householders get angry: ‘Those ascetics who are followers of the Sakyans’ son sing in the same way that we do!’,{1} there is a break in concentration for those striving [to produce] musicality, and the upcoming generations imitate what they see. 

These, bhikkhus, are the five drawbacks of reciting the Dhamma with a sustained melodic intonation.

1. householders get angry..: this sutta is actually an excerpt from the Cūḷavagga of the Vinaya Pitaka (Cv 249), where a certain group of six bhikkhus performs such a chanting and householders are described to have been annoyed in those terms (it is quite frequent in the Vinaya to find lay people criticizing monks for enjoying sensual pleasures). Having been reported the matter, the Buddha utters this sutta and then declares that doing so anyway would constitute a dukkaṭa offense (ie. of wrong-doing, a light offense). The Cūḷavagga then cites a case in which the Buddha states that he nevertheless allows recitation with an intonation (sara·bhañña).